
Organization: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Location: Boulder, Colorado
Type: Internship
Role: Environmental Engineer III
Term: Summer 2023

Worked at NREL for 10-weeks with the Wind Energy Science group. My project was focused on understanding and using machine learning to predict wind loading on concentrated solar power (CSP) collectors, a system that utilizes mirrors to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto receivers used through different mechanisms to generate electricity. At the end of the project, I identified 7 key variables for the understanding of wind loading on CSPs.

Group photo of GEM Fellows interning at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Photo of Sita Nyame in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) library

Organization: ISO New England (ISO-NE)

Location: Holyoke, Massachusetts
Type: Internship
Role: Environmental Data Analyst
Term: Summer 2022

Worked at ISO-NE for 12-weeks with the Advanced Technology Solutions team. My project was focused on optimizing and reconfiguring a machine learning model used to predict risk posed on transmission systems during extreme storms. At the end of the project, I minimized computation time for weather processing by 67%.

Group photo of the Advanced Technology Solutions interns at ISO New England (ISO-NE) Photo of Sita Nyame in the courtyard at ISO New England (ISO-NE)